The DIY - Do-It-Yourself Pages

" Can you do it? Yes you can, and I can help"

My Do-It-Yourself website covers a variety of topics for projects and repairs that you can usually do yourself, often with tools and supplies you already have around the house, and tasks that don't require specialized skills to perform.

I also offer consulting, assistance, and advice (for a small fee) for the do-it-yourselfer who wants, or needs, just a little personal guidance specific to your exact situation. Additionally, the fee will be credited against my service call charge if you need me to come and do or complete the job in person. This allows you to save hundreds of dollars on common tasks, yet still have the confidence to tackle tasks you have not done before. And if you get stuck, I'll be available to ensure the job is completed professionally for no more total cost than if I came out to do it to begin with. will be growing, so check back whenever you have a plumbing related issue or project that you need to tackle.

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Tools Page

The tools pages list a wide varitety of plumbing tools from the very common, to the strange proprietary tools for just the right faucet that let the professional do the job quickly and efficiently. The tool list, includes photos of each tool, and a description of its use. Check back occasionally, as this page will continue to grow in content and functionality.